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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Top 10 Tips for Generating More Sales Leads Online

Dear Friend,

Time flies so fast, today is the last day of the first half year of 2016.  It was veeeeeeery exciting 6 months for us.

If you have missed our Digital Bites seminar co-hosted with Google Partners on June 7, here is my presentation:

You may also view some of the pictures on

We have so many exciting seminars and classes lined up in the second half of 2016.  If I have not counted correctly, there are at least 17 events!!!  Here are some highlight:

2016-07-14 Wiser:Creating Success in the Digital Age
2016-07-21 香港青年協會:以社交媒體進行病毒行銷
2016-08-24 香港零售管理協會:提升E-SALES冇難度

Design Thinking
實戰講座 [co-organized with HKSTP]
Challenging Your Thoughts, Advancing Business Seminars with MAC LEUNG

Mac Leung has been an inspiring trainer in the space of Design Thinking as he has a rich background in product design and corporate management.  We are exciting to cooperate with him again this year together with the support of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks to promote innovation and creativity.  Don't miss this opportunity to get inspired.

講座 1 : Product Design 產品設計思考

講座 2. Marketing 市場營銷思考 (12 Aug 2016) 按此報名

講座 3. Service Design 顧客服務設計思考 (9 Sep 2016) 按此報名

講座 4. Management 企業管理思考 (21 Oct 2016) 按此報名


解救 Mobile Age 迷思講座 [co-organized with HKSTP]
Smarter Digital Marketing Seminars with MATTHEW KWAN

講座 1 : 數碼營銷至「$低」功略  How can we further LOWER the cost of online advertising?

講座 2.贏在搜尋器最前線! [13 Sept, 2016] 
Showing your product, your brand and your company on FIRST page of search results  按此報名

講座 3. 網上「賺盡」方程式! [18 Oct, 2016] 
Formula of earning MORE money from Online Business ] 按此報名

講座 4. 社交媒體生意秘笈 [17 Nov, 2016] 
Why can’t we get more sales through Social Media Marketing?  按此報名

I look forward to connecting with you soon again!

Best regards,


Matthew Kwan
Principal Consultant
Adams Company Limited
T: +852 2723 9977
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014


作者: 關廣智 [白武士有限公司首席顧問]  原稿列於 「突破Channel」 issue 46 June 2014

手機文化把我們這「e世代」發揮得淋漓盡致,手機和互聯網已經是我們不能或缺的生活模式,不單是青少年人已完全融入了這模式中,其實任何香港人也無一幸免! 我們需要獨到的智慧和清晰的理解來應用時下的手機程式、社交媒體。由於手機和互聯網的即時性和不分晝夜性,我們沒有選擇地只好常作準備,適時回應。否則其破壞力就比一切的溝通渠道更大更快!後現代的青少年人著重感覺,而感覺只可藉持續的關係來維繫,手機、社交媒體、表情符號絕對不能取締親身接觸,花時間見面、相處、吃飯、「hea」、活動等不能輕視的事情。
自從iPhone 3G 於2008年面世,我們正式進入了「手機時代」(Mobile Age)。至今全球 70 億[1]人口中有68億[2]部手機,而智能手機則大約有15 億[3]之多。Samsung[4] 把Google 研發的 Android 普及至世界的每一角落,甚至從前的手機巨人Nokia[5]也無處容身。因著手機之普及並 3G、4G 通訊的出現,2000年科網熱[6]的理念終於能貫徹實現,而且有過之而無不及。
據通訊管理局2014 年2月份的數字[7],香港流動數據用戶超越1千2百萬,意思是平均每個香港人都擁有超過一個流動上網的帳戶。從Google於2013年8月所發佈的研究報告[8]顯示,香港人利用手機上網的習慣已經為亞洲之冠。
手機和上網已經成為我們生活不能分割的一部分,WhatsApp、Facebook、Instagram、等是我們溝通的主要渠道。用手機打機、看Youtube、「煲劇」、去淘寶、online window shopping等是我們的主要娛樂。牛津字典2013年度詞語[9]之選是Selfie,意思是「自拍」,也是我們生活的必然部份。
  • 表情符號的虛偽


  • 不能觸摸的內心

除了表情符號阻礙我們真心表達感受外,我們用手機日常分享的東西也只流於表面,例如美味的食物、自拍的照片、笑話、是非等。用WhatsApp 來交心是很難的,文字的限際,網絡速度和隱定性也難確保。用Facebook公開內心的感受也是難的,真心回應亦是難的。有時在一些公開的群組中你一言我一句的方式其實非常混亂,很多時候再加上網絡時差就更遭糕,有很多誤會也可能發生呢!關鍵時刻,用電話溝通總比WhatsApp好,見面傾訴總比Facebook好!

  • 不為人知的侵犯


  • 侵權正常化


  • 無限的文化


  • 真假未分狂轉載


  • 感覺主宰一切


除了手機外,平板電腦是下一浪的「機」遇,其實各大廠家在過去兩年出了無數款式來爭取市場。今天我們若要好好回應「e世代」就要好好檢視我們的信息內容是否脫穎而出地吸引我們的目標對象。他們是否很容易就可以WhatsApp我們呢?他們是否可以在Facebook見到我們精彩的內容,而且廣泛分享給他們的朋友呢?我們的Youtube影片是否吸引人重覆地瀏覽呢?手機媒體已經是我們溝通和接收資訊主流平台,對青少年人而言更可能是唯一平台,如果我們不能好好地爭取青少年人的「Air Time」,所有其他傳媒和商業機構必然不會錯過。同樣重要的是我們不可忘記Human Touch,握握手、擁抱一下、拍拍肩頭、Hi-Five一下!


[1] 資料來源:
 [2] 資料來源:
 [3] 資料來源:
 [4] 參考資料:
[5] 參考資料:
[6] 參考資料:
[7] 資料來源:
[8] 資料來源:
[9] 資料來源:
[10] 參考資料:數碼通無限上網突-復活-215612977.html

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Digital Public Relations, are you doing it?

Adams Company Limited (

When we talk about Digital Public Relations, the most important thing is toknow that the major momentum behind DigitalAGE and MobileAGE is from thescreens of 4 to 10 inches.  If you cannot conquer using contents that arefitting to this most basic requirement, you will not be successful.  Basically, Digital PR is covering the followingtopics on the following topics.  Personally, I think we are facing amore difficult task than we were in the previous generation when TV, Newspapersand Magazines were still dominating our mainstream of media channels!
  • Where is your audience?
  • Rethinking the proper channels for Press Releases in DigitalAGE and MobileAGE!
  • Making an impact larger than you thought!
  • Voice Vs Noise in a Viral World?
  • Corporate Communications in a Postmodern Context
  • Negative Responses as a New Normal!
  • Are you really successful with your  Online Reputation?
  • Can you build Corporate Image through Online/Digital Advertising?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 : 7 Most Important Tasks for Online/Mobile/Social Media Marketing Strategy

Mobile Marketing with the aid of Social Media is the phenomenon that no Marketer can miss in 2013. This is the trend we really have to pay high attention and make things happen beautifully in 2014. There are 7 top priority tasks I can identify that we need to do in the very near future:
  1. Is my corporate website Mobile Ready from 4 to 10 inches? i.e. iPhone, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Tab, iPad Air…
  2. Are you already advertising on Google/Baidu/Bing (Yahoo) using Mobile Bidding setting?
  3. Are you already advertising using location base filter or SMS for mobile devices?
  4. Are your online advertisements having location or click-to-call extensions to increase conversion from mobile devices?
  5. Are you purposely recruiting “loyal” members in your mobile database for future direct marketing?
  6. Are you building a team of mobile customer service on the most popular mobile messaging platforms? i.e. WhatsApp/WeChat
  7. Are you getting ready to enable “Online/Offline” integration at your physical shop through mobile devices? e.g. NFC, QR Code…
There are actually a lot of work to be done! All the best!! :D